To my late paw friend,

Aishwarya Loganathan
1 min readSep 3, 2020

My dear daughter,

I miss your daily hugs and kisses. I miss your hearty dirty licks, and you wagging your tail following me wherever I go.

I miss feeling your weight on me whenever you sleep on my arms, shoulders, and lap.

I miss waking up next to you.

I miss singing songs most of the nights to make you sleep.

I’m missing you more my dear little happiness.

My dear sister,

I miss our silly pillow fights.

I miss feeling jealous when amma showed too much love and affection only to you.

I miss cheating you while having chocolates, ice-cream, and snacks.

I miss having you as my partner in crime.

I’m missing you more my dear little furball

My dear best friend,

I miss sharing all the secrets, you were my secret diary.

I miss those days where you protected me, you never allowed anyone to raise their voice or hands against me.

I miss you so much because I don’t have someone whom I hug and cry.

I’m terribly missing you more my dear little soulmate.

My dear little guardian angel

My dear little pillow

My dear little love

My dear little lucky charm

My dear little loyal friend

Gone soon but never forgotten

Thank you for showing so much love and affection towards me. Thank you for showing me what true love looks like. I’ll love you forever. My love for you cannot be expressed in words.

With love and tears

Aishwarya loganathan

